Saturday, October 2, 2010

scholarship moola(:

ahhh, so i am super duper pumped. i was on a family road trip, heading to seattle when i got an e-mail from afs, informing me that i have been chosen as a AFS Global Leaders Merit Scholarship recipient! i basically started screaming and scared the crap out of my parents, but it was all worth it, because i got a substantial sum of moola to go towards my study abroad(: and yes, i totally did start crying like the pathetic goober i am, but they were happy tears, so it doesn't count.

everything is slowly coming together -- i start my intro to italian class next week, have now paid for my portion of my trip, and am working on saving up spending money and such. i have also been incredibly lucky to make friends with an afs exchange student, here from norway. he's been giving me tons of useful info about the program, which is totally awesome.

i still can't believe i am leaving in three and a half months. it hasn't really hit me yet, but when it does i am expecting it to hit me like a frying pan in the face -- hard and tear-jerking. maybe it will happen when i get my host family, maybe when i am on the way to the airport. i don't know, but hopefully i'll be ready when it does.

other than that, you know the drill. i'll update as soon as i receive news from afs of my official acceptance(:

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