ahhh, hello hello hello. where to begin?
first, let me do a quick little introduction: my name is teresa, and i live in idaho. i am a junior in high school, and my life pretty much consists of school and work, with a little bit of social time squeezed in wherever it will fit. i am an assistant breakfast cook at a local restaurant, and i am on my school newspaper. about two years ago, i decided i wanted to study abroad. as time went on, i enrolled in online classes and summer school to be able to have enough availability to study abroad and still graduate on time. the program? AFS. the country? italy. the time? approximately six months. countdown? i am estimated to leave about five months from now. scared? hell yes.
now a disclaimer; i have never been into blogging, journal-ing, dream diary-ing, or anything else similar. i write my blogs in all lower-case. i might not be able to post every week, or even every couple of weeks, but let's just see how it goes.
so where am i in the process right now?
afs just accepted my application, and sent it on to afs-italy, where they will review it and tell me in a few weeks time if i am accepted/who my host family is/where i will live, etc. hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later, since i am rather impatient.
for all you people out there interested in getting involved with afs, i encourage you to do so. but let me tell you, the application process is long and grueling. you have to work at it for at least a month before you perfect everything, and get all your papers together. but when you hear that all your hard work has been accepted, it is the best feeling in the world.
so that is it for now, and probably for a couple of weeks. i'll let you know all the details as i know them, as soon as i know them. thanks for reading my blog, and hope you enjoy it(:
p.s. for all you that don't know italian, the title translates into: "and so the journey begins."
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